Labels:book | bulletin board | dialog box | poster | reckoner | sky | web site | window | windowpane OCR: 5.0 Apperuticer Threshholding BEL 263 {107} SHORT CellWidth Tag 264 {108) Type SHORT CellLength Tag : 265 (1(9 Type SHORT FillOrder Tag 266 {10A} Tye SHORT DocumentName Tag 269 {10D} Type ASCII Imagelescriplion Tag 270 {10E Typx ASCI Make Tag = 271 (10F} Tytx ASCII Mnde] Tag 272 {110} Type ASCH Striporfsets Tag 273 {111} Type SHORT or LONG StripsPerImage tor Planar Confis guration equal to 1 Samplest PerPixel StripsPerimage Tor PlanarContiguration equal to 2 Orientation Tag 274 {112} Tyx SHORT An Adus/Microsoft Technicat Memorandum 813/88 Apperutices Model StripsPerl Image Configuration PlanarConfi smtion Aldus Techrical